Summer Series Blog - Shona Struthers
By Shona Struthers, CEO, Colleges Scotland Welcome to the Summer Series of blogs for the Colleges Scotland website. Over the coming weeks a range of...
Publication of Purpose and Principles
Today (Wednesday 28 June 2023), the Scottish Government published a new ‘blueprint’ for the future of post-school education, research and skills, call...
Response to Hayward Review
The final report of the Independent Review of Qualifications and Assessment was published today. The report, authored by Professor Louise Hayward, set...
Scotland’s national agency for sport, sportscotland, has today announced that it will invest up to £1.45 million over the next two years to create a n...
Response to Withers Review
The Independent Review of the Skills Delivery Landscape was published today. The Review, authored by the former Chief Executive of Scotland Food and D...
Comment on College Performance Indicators
Commenting on the latest College Performance Indicators Report published by the Scottish Funding Council today (Wednesday, 31 May 2023), Shona Struthe...
Deep disappointment around college funding changes
The Scottish Government has confirmed that £26 million announced for colleges in the 2023-24 Budget will no longer be coming to the college sector.&nb...
College Principals call on Scottish Government to Save 80 Vital Jobs
College leaders are calling on the Scottish Government to intervene to save 80 mental health counselling jobs at risk of potential redundancy. The rol...
Comment on the College Regionalisation Report
Shona Struthers, Chief Executive of Colleges Scotland welcomed the report by the Education, Children and Young people Committee published today (Tuesd...
Increasing Number of College Students in Scotland
Figures released today (Tuesday, 28 February 2023) by the Scottish Funding Council show that activity in colleges is beginning to return to normal fol...
NUS Cost of Survival Report Launch
NUS Scotland has today (Wednesday, 22 February 2023) launched a report at an online event on the findings of their big student survey into the cost of...
Minister in Stirling to discuss Green Skills
Colleges Scotland and ESP welcomed the Minister for Green Skills, Circular Economy and Biodiversity, Lorna Slater MSP, to our offices in Stirling toda...