Comment on Programme for Government
Shona Struthers, Chief Executive of Colleges Scotland, said:
“The expansion of childcare is an exciting opportunity for colleges to train another cohort of professionals who can care and nurture children in Scotland. Colleges have already delivered the workforce which supports the provision of 1,140 hours of ELC for 3 and 4 year-olds in council-run and private settings, and can do so again, especially in the qualifications needed especially for the expansion of childminding.
“Also in Programme for Government is a pledge to take forward reforms to funding, skills planning and qualifications for post-school education, skills and research. I think this is timely given the disparity in funding between school, college and university systems in Scotland, and I’m pleased that the First Minister has emphasised the role of employers in building a skills system which is fit-for-purpose. Colleges already work closely with employers to provide training and upskilling, and will continue to do so.
“The launch of a new Scottish Education Exchange Programme following a test and learn project will prioritise placements for disadvantaged groups is also exciting – I welcome these new opportunities for colleges students to learn globally.”