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Key College Facts

Colleges have been in existence for over 150 years; the first college was established in 1865.

There are 24 colleges in 13 regions across Scotland, delivering around 71 million hours of learning to over 236,000 learners every year.

Colleges are significant employers in their regions, employing over 14,000 staff.

Around a quarter of all higher education in Scotland is delivered in colleges and the sector enables over 8,500 students to progress into university each year.

Colleges are the biggest delivery agent of Modern Apprenticeships, supporting over 13,000 students.

Colleges work closely with schools to provide opportunities for young people and offering vocational pathways into careers – 26% of school leavers go into further education from school (36% from the most deprived areas).

Colleges work in partnership with businesses to re-skill and up-skill the workforce – over 111,000 enrolments are linked to industry.  Care has the highest number of enrolments linked to industry.

As civic anchors, colleges support their local communities by providing access to facilities such as on-campus sports facilities, beauty services and restaurants.  They also support individuals locally – 24% of students have a recorded disability and 8% of students are from minority ethnic groups.


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