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Shaping the Policy Agenda

We engage with stakeholders on behalf of the college sector to bring about positive changes in the policy landscape for colleges in Scotland. Some of the work the team are engaged around includes:

  • Maximising available investment to come to Scotland’s colleges from Scottish Government and the Scottish Funding Council.  For example, in the academic year 2021/22 colleges saw an increase of £60.1 million (9.2%) compared with academic year 2020/21 in available funding.
  • Working closely with our Members to represent college views in the recent Scottish Funding Council Review of Coherent Provision and Sustainability. You can read our response to the Scottish Funding Council Review.
  • Inputting into the Independent Commission on the College of the Future in developing and delivering both the College of the Future UK report in October 2020 and the Scottish College of the Future report in December 2020.
  • Taking forward work around a Future Technology Partnership, to ensure a coordinated and planned approach to the wider technology skills required by Scotland to maximise economic transformation and workforce development, and to close the Digital Workforce Gap.
  • Focusing attention on the Climate Emergency for colleges as providing the workforce of the future, the Just Transition, and colleges as institutions. Collaborated with stakeholders to create the college sector Statement of Commitment on the Climate Emergency
  • Working with the Scottish Funding Council to co-create an Infrastructure Strategy for the college sector, bringing together buildings and physical estates and the future digital infrastructure needs of colleges, alongside 2045 net-zero emission requirements for colleges as public bodies.
  • Liaising with the Scottish Government in supporting the Mental Health and Wellbeing of students and staff and in ensuring colleges are appropriately resourced to deliver Mental Health and Wellbeing support, including the rollout of funding for counsellors across the college sector. Colleges Scotland also secured an additional £4.4m of funding for initiatives to support student and staff mental health and wellbeing.
  • Supporting the successful delivery of activity by the college sector against key Scottish Government objectives and policy agendas, including the Young Person’s Guarantee and National Transition Training Fund, in addition to Foundation Apprenticeships. 
  • Advocating in a range of policy areas on the impact of colleges in supporting economic transformation, lifelong learning and upskilling and reskilling activity.

View our consultation responses.


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