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Comment on College Leaver Destinations Report

26 October 2021

Despite the huge impact Covid-19 caused for students studying during 2019/20, colleges were able to minimise the impact to still deliver good outcomes...

Scotland’s Colleges Celebrate Living Wage Accreditation

07 October 2021

Scotland’s college sector is celebrating its achievements as accredited Living Wage Employers.The sector-wide move towards Living Wage Accreditation –...

Colleges Scotland Annual Report for 2020-21

23 September 2021

Colleges Scotland has published its Annual Report for 2020-21. Colleges Scotland is proud to serve the college sector and has been actively working...

Priorities from the SFC Review - Chief Executive Blog

13 September 2021

By Shona Struthers, Chief Executive of Colleges Scotland As the leader of Colleges Scotland, the membership organisation for all 26 colleges across th...

SFC Review - Key College Sector Priorities

10 September 2021

On Tuesday, 7 September 2021, Colleges Scotland wrote to the Scottish Government with our views on the priorities which should be taken forward from t...

First Minister Welcomes Students Back to College

10 September 2021

Shona Struthers, Chief Executive of Colleges Scotland, has joined the First Minister Nicola Sturgeon in welcoming college students back to learning an...

Comment on SQA Exam Results

10 August 2021

With SQA exam results out today (Tuesday, 10 August 2021), Colleges Scotland offers congratulations to everyone who has gained a qualification at...

Comment on average expenditure figures in Scottish educational settings

29 July 2021

By Andy Witty, Director of Sector Policy Yesterday the Scottish Government, in response to a parliamentary question from Michael Marra MSP, produced...

Comment on the SFC Report on Widening Access

30 June 2021

The Scottish Funding Council have published the Widening Access 2019-20 report. This shows that the target on widening access to degree courses has be...

Response to SFC Review – Colleges Scotland

29 June 2021

The Scottish Funding Council (SFC) has today (Tuesday, 29 June 2021) published its final report on Coherence and Sustainability: A review of Tertiary...

Formal Agreement Reached with EIS-FELA

18 June 2021

Colleges Scotland Employers’ Association welcomes the agreement reached yesterday with EIS-FELA which formally brings to an end the recent dispute wit...

Mental Health Funding for Colleges

14 June 2021

The Scottish Funding Council (SFC) has given £4.4m to colleges to develop mental health and resilience packages and support students and staff struggl...


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