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Supporting Economic Recovery

Colleges are the biggest delivery agent of Modern Apprenticeships, supporting 13,109 students

25% of pupils who achieved a Foundation Apprenticeship in S4 and S5 went to college

Colleges supported the delivery of Foundation Apprenticeships for 4,122 Senior Phase pupils across every region in 12 industry sectors with 212 employers

24% of students are enrolled in STEM subjects in colleges

Nine colleges are STEM Assured, accredited through the STEM Foundation

23,486 people are on Flexible Workforce Development Fund programmes.

The £10m fund allows employers to access training and development opportunities in colleges to fill identified skills gaps, upskill, and retrain their workforce.

29% of all learning activity took place in health and care related subjects (the largest share of any subjet group0

111,459 enrolments are linked to industry

Care has the highest number of enrolments linked to industry

92,093 students are studying as part of their occupation

23,850 students are studying digital skills - 13% at HE level

Colleges continues to support the Young Person’s Guarantee to help young people into training and jobs.

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