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Facts and Figures

Keyfacts 2023

The Keyfacts publication can be viewed in pdf format ( pdf Keyfacts 2023 (1.86 MB) ) or as web pages below:

Keyfacts 2023 cover with images of students


Response to the Climate Emergency

Our Students

Supporting Communities

Supporting Economic Recovery

Our Colleges

Main sources are statistical returns by colleges to the Scottish Funding Council.  Figures are for academic year 2021/22, where available.  All facts are correct at time of publication.  Thanks to the colleges who provided images for this publication.


Members’ Area

The Members’ Area contains information for Chairs, Principals, Directors of HR, Directors of Finance, Head of Marketing/Marketing Managers and Board Secretaries. The information in these sections are intended for those issued with log-in details only, it should be treated as confidential and not for wider circulation.