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Shona Struthers

Chief Executive

Policy and Corporate Team

Andy Witty

Director of Strategic Policy and Corporate Governance

Tom Hall

Senior Policy Officer

James McKean

Policy Officer

Claire Vekic

Policy Officer

Frances Harrower

Corporate and Governance Manager

Eileen Zerbinati

Finance Officer

Karen Tracey

Project Support Officer

Communications and Public Affairs Team

Jen Johnston

Head of Communications and Public Affairs
07736 885 497

Joanne Buchan

Communications and Public Affairs Officer

07590 229 707

Linda Rankin

Digital, ICT and Communications Officer


Members’ Area

The Members’ Area contains information for Chairs, Principals, Directors of HR, Directors of Finance, Head of Marketing/Marketing Managers and Board Secretaries. The information in these sections are intended for those issued with log-in details only, it should be treated as confidential and not for wider circulation.