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Record Number of Positive Destinations for College Leavers

Commenting on the Scottish Funding Council’s College Leaver Destinations 2020-21 report published today (Tuesday, 13 December 2022), Shona Struthers, Chief Executive of Colleges Scotland, said:

“Following a tough couple of years for our students during the pandemic, I am pleased to see a much more buoyant labour market and return to normality resulting in a record number (91%) of college leavers entering positive destinations. This is great news for college graduates who are just at the beginning of their careers and are leaving college with the skills and qualifications needed to succeed.

“College is an excellent first choice for so many people with world class education and training being delivered in campuses the length and breadth of Scotland. Colleges are producing the skilled graduates that so many industries rely on and will be key to training and upskilling the future workforce in emerging industries and key growth sectors such as renewable energy, creative industries, tourism and digital health and care. There has never been a better time to start a career at college.”

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