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Careers Week 2022

Careers Week starts today and Colleges Scotland is urging people to think of college as their first step on the way to a career.

There are 26 colleges in Scotland from Shetland to Dumfries, the Western Isles to Dundee. The breadth of opportunity they provide includes training for new industries to tackle the climate emergency, digital, health and care, hospitality, and fintech, and providing further and higher education in thousands of subjects for students.

Andy Witty, Director of Sector Policy, said: “Colleges are great places to learn, gain new qualifications, and train for a career. Scotland has world-class colleges equipped with the incredible facilities, providing outstanding teaching, skills provision, and student experiences.

“There are numerous examples of high-level success from cutting-edge science to beauty revolutionaries, world-class sporting achievement and broadcast breakthroughs, award-winning catering or innovative and inventive entrepreneurship.

“Scotland’s colleges make outstanding contributions to the lives of our students, allowing them to achieve their true potential. Our graduates, whether studying full time or part time, in further and higher education, also provide Scotland’s economy with a highly skilled workforce which is much needed as we recover from the pandemic.”

Over 213,000 students study at Scotland’s colleges each year in full-time and part-time courses. A recent report by the Scottish Funding Council found that nine out of 10 full-time students were satisfied with their college experience.

Scottish Careers Week takes place from 7-11 November and full details of the events can be found at


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