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Launch of Digital Ambition for Scotland’s Colleges

Digital Ambition for Scotland's Colleges coverThe Digital Ambition for Scotland’s Colleges has been published today (Friday, 9 October 2020) with a virtual launch and social media campaign including video clips from: the Minister for Further Education, Higher Education and Science, Richard Lochhead MSP; Dr Ken Thomson OBE, Principal, Forth Valley College; and Jason Miles-Campbell, Head of Jisc Scotland and Jisc Northern Ireland, plus a written endorsement from ScotlandIS. The Digital Ambition has been developed and agreed following consultation with the sector and key partners in the digital industry.


Members’ Area

The Members’ Area contains information for Chairs, Principals, Directors of HR, Directors of Finance, Head of Marketing/Marketing Managers and Board Secretaries. The information in these sections are intended for those issued with log-in details only, it should be treated as confidential and not for wider circulation.