Our Colleges
Scotland’s 24 colleges operate in 13 regions across the country, allowing them to plan locally, regionally, and nationally for the benefit of individuals, communities, the economy, and wider society. View the Colleges in Scotland.
College Funding 2024/25
Total SFC Revenue Funding £632.3m
Student Support £123.0m
Total SFC Capital Funding £84.9m
Estates Maintenance £33.0m
70% of college funding goes towards staffing costs
A quarter of colleges’ income does not come directly from the Scottish Funding Council
College Revenue Funding Trend
2024/25 £632.3m
2023/24 £675.7m
2022/23 £696.3m
2021/22 £732.8m
2020/21 £685.3m
2019/20 £615.3m
2018/19 £588.9m
2017/18 £559.2m
2016/17 £542.5m
Funding Per Student
Secondary School £7,657
College £5,054
University £7,558
College Estates
Colleges should have great learning and working environments for students and staff, which foster collaboration, innovation, and success, and help to meet net zero ambitions.
Although some colleges have recently received investments for building improvements, digital tools, and classroom equipment, others urgently require repairs and upgrades, including seven colleges currently addressing issues with RAAC.
For 2024/25, the sector received £84.9m in Capital funding, with £33m of that allocated for estates maintenance.
As recognised by Audit Scotland, the estimated backlog maintenance and lifecycle maintenance requirements for the sector’s estates was approximately £473m over the last five years to 2022/23, however there has been a shortfall of £321m of the amount required during this period.
College Staff
There are 14,147 staff in colleges (10,957 FTEs)
Full-time 69%
Part-time 31%
Men 39%
Women 61%
Teaching Staff/Support Staff
Teaching Staff 49%
Support Staff 51%
88% of full-time staff have a recognised teaching qualification
3% of staff are from minority ethnic groups
8% of staff have a declared disability
47% of staff are aged 51 and over
4% of staff are from the EU
2% of staff are from overseas outwith the EU
Management and Governance
College Chairs
Female 33%
Male 67%
College Boards
Female 47%
Male 53%
College Principals
Female 48%
Male 52%
Senior Management
Female 53%
Male 47%