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Sustainable Funding for Colleges – A Direct Investment in Scotland’s People

Colleges are making the case for sustainable investment following several years of real terms cuts for the sector. 

Investing in Scotland’s colleges delivers powerful returns, which directly support national priorities, creating lasting benefits for individuals, staff, communities, and the economy as a whole.  

Colleges are uniquely positioned to drive progress on Scotland’s most pressing challenges, and with the right investment, they can deliver real success.  

The case for investment published today supports all of the Scottish Government’s priorities:

  • The eradication of child poverty: Colleges provide accessible education and skills development, creating pathways to employment and boosting incomes in Scotland’s most disadvantaged communities.
  • Grow Scotland’s economy: By equipping students with the skills needed in high-demand industries, colleges fuel Scotland’s economic growth and productivity, creating a workforce that meets current and future business needs.
  • Tackle the climate emergency: Colleges are central to delivering the green skills and training required to meet Scotland’s Net-Zero targets, while also leading efforts to make campuses more sustainable.
  • Support the recovery of the NHS: Colleges train vital NHS staff, including nurses and healthcare professionals, providing the skills pipeline that underpins Scotland’s healthcare system.

Despite the transformative impact colleges have on Scotland’s society and economy, the sector is facing a dire financial situation. Recent concerning reports from the Scottish Funding Council and Audit Scotland confirm a significant and accelerating decline in college funding. Since 2021/22, colleges have seen revenue funding drop by 17% in real terms, putting their ability to continue delivering essential education and training at risk. The financial circumstances facing the Scottish Government are very challenging, but we would make the case that investment in colleges improves short, medium and long-term outcomes.

Sustainable funding for colleges is a direct investment in Scotland’s people, our economy, and our global leadership in tackling climate change and social inequality. 

Read our full pdf Budget Submission 2025-26 (1.49 MB)


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