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Comment on the Post 16 Education and Skills Reform

Responding to the Scottish Government’s announcement regarding the Post 16 Education and Skills Reform, a spokesperson for Colleges Scotland said: 

“The college sector has long recognised the need to simplify funding and responsibilities for apprenticeships, in order to meet accelerating demand from industry, and student support as part of the overall post-school education and skills reform.  

“While we had hoped for further streamlining, we believe the proposal for two funding bodies – one for student support, the other for college and university funding – will significantly reduce complexity and enhance simplicity for learners to navigate, and maximise the level of funding going towards the delivery of learning, teaching and apprenticeships in Scotland’s colleges. 

“We look forward to working with the Scottish Government and the two new agencies to ensure that colleges can provide the best possible services for the learners, businesses, and communities they serve.”


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