Comment on College Performance Indicators
Commenting on the latest College Performance Indicators Report published by the Scottish Funding Council today (Wednesday, 29 May 2024), Shona Struthers, Chief Executive of Colleges Scotland, said:
“I am really pleased to see that Scotland’s colleges enrolled almost 248,000 students in 2022/23 – a 5% increase on the previous year which shows that people are seeing the immense value of learning new skills and getting qualifications at college.
“The report tells us that people are increasingly choosing to study on a part-time basis, allowing them to learn, upskill or retrain in a flexible way to fit around their other commitments like work and family.
“It is also encouraging to see that there has been an increase in student completion rates and we are starting to see student participation returning to pre-pandemic levels.
“Colleges want to help people of all ages and backgrounds to achieve their qualifications and go into careers however adequate sustainable funding is needed so they can continue to support their students to thrive.”