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Student Views on Mental Health

Colleges Scotland has been working with the Mental Health Foundation on its research into the mental health and wellbeing of students.

Thriving Learners is one of the largest studies of student mental health that has ever taken place in the UK and aims to help inform recommendations on prevention, early intervention, and support.

The Mental Health Foundation has already completed the research process for universities and the results were published in November 2021.

The survey for college students is now open until 1700 on Friday, 29 April 2022 and we are inviting college students to participate and have their say.

Students can participate at

Anyone taking part has the option to enter into a prize draw with three students from each college winning a share of £150.

Jon Vincent, Principal of Glasgow Clyde College and Lead Principal for Mental Health, is encouraging students to take part in the research.  He said: " The pandemic has been an immensely difficult time for college students across the country.  As Scotland moves into a recovery phase many learners are still experiencing the challenges of the past two years.

"This research will only take a few minutes to complete but will provide a national picture for the first time of the mental health of Scotland's college students.  If students can get involved, it will help us plan the support and services that future students will need.  It's also important that we capture the experience of students who have been learning at home, in blended courses and who have had less chance to engage with their friends on campus."

Thriving Learners is made possible thanks to funding from The Robertson Trust.


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