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Comment on NUS Scotland’s Broke Report

Today NUS Scotland have published new research on the state of student poverty in Scotland. Broke: How Scotland is failing its students notes amongst other findings that a third of students (35%) have considered dropping out of their course due to financial difficulties, a quarter of students (25%) had been unable to pay their rent in full on one or more occasion, and that around two thirds (64%) have experienced mental ill-health as a result of financial pressures.

Responding to the report, Shona Struthers, Chief Executive of Colleges Scotland, said:

“The NUS Scotland report confirms the daily financial struggle we know many of our students face. While colleges can offer an amount of financial and holistic support, it isn’t enough to mitigate the massive cost of living problems which students are now contending with. The pandemic has undoubtedly caused lost learning to many students, and now the impact of financial insecurity risks harming student’s ability to learn, thrive and succeed.

“Colleges Scotland has advocated for many years for increased funds to for students. Student support funding is vital in helping so many people to not only successfully achieve their qualifications, but also to progress towards employment and future careers.

“I would encourage any student who is struggling to reach out in the first instance and speak to their college for support and advice.”


For further information, please contact:

Jen Johnston, Head of Communications and Public Affairs
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