Comment on the SFC Report on Widening Access
The Scottish Funding Council have published the Widening Access 2019-20 report. This shows that the target on widening access to degree courses has been met two years early, in 2019, well ahead of the target date of 2021. The report also shows that overall in the tertiary education level there is already equality of access for those living in Scotland’s most deprived communities.
Welcoming the report, CEO of Colleges Scotland Shona Struthers said: “I’m pleased that the efforts made by colleges in Scotland to widen access to education clearly shows in the evidence published today.
“Scotland’s colleges made a substantial contribution to tertiary level delivery, recruiting over 25% of Scottish-domiciled entrants to higher education courses from the 20% most deprived areas.
“The report also highlights the growing number of care experienced students starting an undergraduate course, and it’s impossible to overestimate the hugely important role education plays in the life story of individuals. The year-on-year rise by more than 400 care-experienced students on their way to an HE qualification in 2019-20 is good news.
“I’m also pleased to see the very high numbers of college graduates moving onto work or further study as positive destinations - 95.5% of male leavers and 94.4% of female leavers from full-time higher education college courses (with known destinations) were in work or further study 3-6 months after qualifying. Again, this emphasises the huge impact colleges can make on individuals, improving life chances and enabling economic success.”
View the pdf version pdf Comment on the SFC Report on Widening Access - Wednesday, 30 June 2021 (131 KB)
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Jen Johnston, Head of Communications and Public Affairs
Mobile: 07736 885 497